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Dolibarr ERP/CRM V17.0.1 released

Dolibarr 14.0.0

Maintenance releases only contain bug fixes found in the branch of the version. We recommend that everyone use a version of the 17.0 series to upgrade to the latest maintenance version of the series. As with any maintenance release, there are no new features or changes to the data structure in this version (see ChangeLog for a complete list of solutions). See also other blog messages HERE.

ChangeLog for 17.0.1 compared to 17.0.0

FIX: 17.0 PHP Warning invalid argument supplied for foreach
FIX: #[23799] – External users are not able to create events – correction
FIX: #23966 Error “Param dbt_keyfield is required but not defined
FIX: #24138 Fix box_birthdays SQL for postgres
FIX: #24201 Upload of external module fails to copy from incorrectly generated temp source dir
FIX: #24240 Dolibarr V17.0.0 PHP8 fatal error
FIX: accountancy lettering: better error management
FIX: accountancy lettering: correctly calculated number of lettering operations done
FIX: accountancy lettering: error management and prevention
FIX: accountancy lettering: prevent null results when fetching link with payments
FIX: action delete card fac rec
FIX: Add bookmark with search fields that are arrays (backport 4157263cb898f1847cfcfc22dee6007c01b13a4d)
FIX: Add missing hook on LibStatut
FIX: Add more context for selectForFormsListWhere Hook
FIX: Autofill / clear qty in inventory page
FIX: avoid php8 warnings
FIX: avoid phpunit error
FIX: can not show all csv fields (a reason for that ?)
FIX: change date on select date input when prefix is used
FIX: dol_textishtml() function
FIX: expense report accountancy: sql syntax error when performing automatic linking
FIX: Extrafields in Notes to unify with orders or invoices.
FIX: fatal error when margin enable (missing check on element), fix User::hasRight() when checking a margin right
FIX: feedbacks
FIX: FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL param is not a string
FIX: #24298 No error or 0.00 instead of NULL in database anymore when emptying an extrafield of type price on a propal card
FIX: full group by handle
FIX: holiday counter massaction: ErrorBadValueForParamNotAString and PHP 8 warning when no approval user right
FIX: installation superadmin creation: PHP 8 warning
FIX: invoices order on sells journal
FIX: it was not possible to update extrafields of expedition lines with batch without editing batch value
FIX: limit after order in get objects in category
FIX: method dolGetGlobalString not defined with saphir
FIX: missing column default workstation
FIX: missing drop foreign key before modify field
FIX: missing “multidir_output” for project sharing (Multicompany)
FIX: missing protection on ajax public ticket page for valid email
FIX: ODT management inverted between purchase invoice and order
FIX: PDF Espadon => display extrafields
FIX: PDF Espadon Expedition : notes and tracking number
FIX: Phpunit Rename WebsiteTest.class.php to WebsiteTest.php
FIX: project referent elements list: conf to hide tasks was flipped
FIX: Protection on agenda view for a thirdparty id that does not exist
FIX: search_project_user
FIX: societe list: regression to redirection to customer card when single result of search filters
FIX: SQL error “unknown column p.fk_soc” because ANSI-92 joins take precedence over ANSI-89 joins
FIX: task have the same entity of project
FIX: token error when closing ticket from public interface
FIX: Warning on purchase order + Property fk_commande not defined

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Dolibarr ERP/CRM