Maintenance releases only contain bug fixes found in the branch of the version. We recommend that everyone use a version of the 14.0 series to upgrade to the latest maintenance version of the series. As with any maintenance release, there are no new features or changes to the data structure in this version (see ChangeLog for a complete list of solutions). See also other blog messages HERE.
ChangeLog for 14.0.2 compared to 14.0.1
FIX: #18353 Invoice list translation issue
FIX: #18375 SQL Error on tasks statistics
FIX: #18465
FIX: #18484
FIX: #18531
FIX: #18542 REST API: set global $user variable to DolibarrApiAccess::user.
FIX: #18544 Shipment REST API: load thirdparty object into the shipment before validating.
FIX: #18544 Shipment rest api: load thirdparty object when validating
FIX: #18565
FIX: #18589 #18617
FIX: #18591 : Remove double quotes of SQL Queries for postgresql compatibility
FIX: #18666 Order / Shipment list: Don’t SQL JOIN category table when not necessary.
FIX: Accountancy – Some problems of length with general & subledger account
FIX: Add option $noescapecommand in executeCLI for better compatibility
FIX: Add token to remove error when removing widget
FIX: Add token when remove the last widget on home page
FIX: an approved holiday can be canceled by an admin.
FIX: better sql request
FIX: change LOG_DEBUG with LOG_WARNING in syslog and remove sql error in syslog (already done)
FIX: Collapsing of extrafields has disappeared.
FIX: Date of payment of subscription must not be set to 1970-01-01.
FIX: Export of website generates a package that contains a sql error
FIX: Field already present in SQL request
FIX: increase maxlength of password input
FIX: invoice fetch not found syslog debug level instead of error
FIX: Invoice list – Wrong name for column total_tva
FIX: invoice validation: when checking if any vat rate has a negative amount, prevent false positives with -1E-14 amounts
FIX: Manage credit note on situation invoice for calculate margin
FIX: Menu List of project was not visible.
FIX: migration script
FIX: multicompany transverse mode compatibility
FIX: option “Default value for field ‘Refuse bulk emailings'”
FIX: Recommended session.cookie_samesite must be ‘Lax’ not ‘Strict’.
FIX: Relative discount with high nb of decimals
FIX: salary extrafields don’t work and table is not well named
FIX: Supplier invoice list – Wrong language key used
FIX: wrong table_element_line
FIX: wrong users count in multicompany transverse mode
FIX: #yogosha6944 Protection against traversal path.
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